2023年度 第50回日本人会チャリティーバザー
日 時:9月23日(土)10:00~15:00
会 場:ホリディインバンコクスクンビット(スクムビットソイ22 ) 7階
The Charity Bazaar Committee of Japanese Association in Thailand has been holding the annual charity bazaar for more than fifty years.
Unfortunately, this Bazaar was postponed in 2020 and 2021 due to Corona pandemic and held on smaller scale last year. This year, the 50th Charity Bazaar, will be held on Saturday, 23rd of September at Holliday Inn Bangkok Sukhumvit Hotel.
The purpose of the bazaar is to raise funds to donate various organizations in Thailand which need support such as The Thai Red Cross Society, rehabilitation centers, institutions for persons with disabilities, orphanages, schools in remote areas, environmental conservation groups and others nationwide.
We know that many of you have been contributing to Thai society through volunteer activities, and we would like to ask for your warm understanding and active participation in this charity bazaar, which will be held at the hotel for the first time in three years.
In the past many companies have been contributing to the Bazaar by donating products for selling at booths. However, as the number of booths available are limited, we would be grateful if you could consider providing cash donations this year.
If you agree with the purpose of the charity, please send the "Donation Application Form" on the next page to the Japanese Association Secretariat.
We look forward to receiving your kind response and thank you in advance.